Traveling is an exciting and enriching experience, but it can be a bit challenging if you don’t speak the language. Learning some basic Spanish expressions will help you communicate more effectively during your adventure in Spanish-speaking countries – we’ll teach you a few must-knows!


When arriving at a new destination, it is important to say hello and show politeness and courtesy. Here are some basic phrases:

  • ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? (Hello! How are you?)
  • Buenos días/tardes/noches (Good morning/afternoon/evening)
  • Por favor (Please)
  • Gracias (Thank you)
  • De nada (You’re welcome)
  • ¿Hablas inglés? (Do you speak English?)
  • Disculpe (Excuse me)
  • Perdón (Sorry)

Useful phrases for orientation

When you find yourself in a new city, these expressions will be of great help to you:

  • ¿Dónde está…? (Where is…?)
  • ¿Cómo llego a…? (How do I get to…?)
  • A la derecha (To the right)
  • A la izquierda (To the left)
  • Recto (Straight ahead)
  • Cerca (Nearby)
  • Lejos (Far)
  • Estoy perdido/a (I am lost)

Food and beverages

Gastronomy is a fundamental aspect of any culture. Here are some phrases related to food:

  • ¿Qué recomiendas? (What do you recommend?)
  • Quisiera probar… (I would like to try…)
  • La cuenta, por favor (The bill, please)
  • ¡Delicioso! (Delicious!)
  • ¿Tienen opciones vegetarianas? (Do you have vegetarian options?)
  • ¿Puedo pedir un vaso de agua? (Can I order a glass of water?)
  • Un café, por favor (A coffee, please)

Emergency situations

We hope you don’t need them, but it never hurts to be prepared:

  • ¡Ayuda! (Help!)
  • Llame a la policía/ambulancia (Call the police/ambulance)
  • Estoy enfermo/a (I am sick)
  • Me he perdido (I am lost)
  • Necesito ayuda (I need help)

Learn Spanish on your visit

Mastering some basic Spanish expressions will allow you to communicate and get along better during your trip. Don’t be afraid to practice and immerse yourself in the culture!

Learning these phrases will open doors and allow you to enjoy your travel experience even more. Although, if you want to learn even more you should know that during your stay you can attend classes where you can immerse yourself in this language and culture.

Our academy is located in Marbella (Malaga). And we make sure that all our visiting students leave very satisfied with their Spanish. Check also our online private classes. You can contact us by calling (+34) 682 348 583 or follow us on our social networks at Instagram and Facebook where we upload content that will help you learn the language and its culture better.

Don’t let anything stop you from learning Spanish! Bon voyage!